
How to get more energy than your kids

I haven’t always been someone with a lot of energy. Back in my 20s, I’d be falling asleep at my desk mid-afternoon. Read on for my key healthy habits that will spike your enegy levels.

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I'm Wendy!

My blog is here to assist you in creating lifestyle habits that serve and fit in to your busy life. So that you can have more energy, vitality and take control of your health and perimenopause journey.


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I’m often asked where I get my energy from, which is ironic as I haven’t always been someone with a lot of energy. Back in my 20s, I’d be falling asleep at my desk mid-afternoon.

However, it’s since becoming a mother in my late 30s that I’ve definitely had an increase in energy after consciously implementing significant changes over time. 

Exercise always gives me more energy.

My business as an Arbonne brand ambassador* was a huge part of the nutritional changes and wellness journey, and my wanting to become a health coach. However, over time, I made other changes. And, they essentially consist of healthy habits for physical, mental and emotional energy – this trifecta is the key.

Get more energy - physical, emotional and mental wellbeing

I also committed to 2-3 habits for each of these areas and stuck to small changes until they became habits and this made room for more new healthy habits that would give me my energy. It’s been a layering process.

These are some of the key habits:

Change of perspective

Instead of always saying, “Oh my word, these kids are exhausting.”, I’ve changed my perspective to “How do I get some of that energy?” or “I’m going to jump and run with them!”. A simple change of perspective can have a profound effect on your energy levels.

Movement and exercise

We all know that we need exercise as humans because it’s what our bodies are designed to do. When we exercise or move, it gives us energy. However, it’s the motivation and distraction of life that stops the movement, right? Even if I am struggling for time to exercise in a day, I will do “double-up” by cycling with my daughter to the shops or to the park. I get exercise and she gets an activity. Don’t get stuck in the word exercise and create a mental roadblock. All you have to do is move.

Nutrition for energy

This is a biggie no matter what our age.  The food we put in our bodies fuels us.  When we feed it too much and with heavy, saturated and calorific foods, it takes a lot of energy and we can feel the slump. Manage your portion sizes and tune into your full and satisfied cues.

Top tip: If you can’t figure out if you’re hungry or not, drink a glass of water and wait for 5-10 minutes. Our body sends us the same cue for hungry and thirsty; a quick drink of water should answer your question.

Pop onto my nutrition blog for a deeper dive into nutrition.  Fill your life with good food that energises, and that is generally the fresh, unprocessed food.

If you are struggling to find recipes you love, download my free new recipe book that has been created specifically with perimenopause and menopause in mind.

The guide also has a sample meal plan + shopping list to make it simple to get started!

And even if you’re not currently navigating perimenopause and menopause – it will still be helpful to you in supporting your energy, hormone and gut health and generally helping you to thrive with your health and wellbeing

Sleep and energy

We need good and regular sleep which I know is generally easier said than done. But it really is the foundation of all things. There is a very small percentage of the population that is biologically able to get away with 7-8 hours of sleep. Blue light blocking glasses have helped me with the digital distractions 1hr before bed. Check out my sleep blog for more detail.

Get into your flow

You know that state where you forget about time. When you’re completely absorbed in what you’re doing. Find the things both in work and in play that get you into a state of flow. Whatever that is for YOU. For me, it’s reading, gardening, or cooking, but that might be connecting with a girlfriend for you or crafting.  Whatever it is, commit to doing it regularly and notice the difference in your energy soar.

There are so many ways to boost our energy and I’ve aimed to give a variety to cover our mental, emotional and physical energy needs. Try a few and let me know how they make you feel. See how you can keep up and even put your kiddies to shame?

PS: I have a secret weapon for those low-energy days – my Arbonne Fizz sticks. They are my fave natural caffeine energy booster. I have mine warm in the morning instead of coffee or for a kickstart afternoon. Contains antioxidants and a botanical blend of ginseng, B vitamins, CoQ10, and chromium, combined with caffeine naturally derived from guarana and green tea to help boost energy. 


* The typical results are different for everyone. Results vary based on body composition, age, individual effort, eating patterns, exercise and the like.

** The Content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your health.

***This website is owned and operated by Wendy Griffith, an Arbonne Independent Consultant, and is not endorsed by Arbonne. Any opinions expressed on this website are made by and the responsibility of the Independent Consultant.